Kotor 2 handmaiden or disciple
Kotor 2 handmaiden or disciple

kotor 2 handmaiden or disciple

You can get influence with him after completing Dantooine in favor of the colonists and Onderon in favor of General Vaklu. You can then prompt him further with new dialogue, which will let you get to the end of his conversation chain (provided you have enough influence) and make him a Jedi. How do I turn Jedi into Atton?Īside from a basic level of influence, you need to speak to the two Twi’leks in the Nar Shaddaa refugee sector who know of him. The trick for making her Dark is to follow that path yourself and she will follow as long as you have influence with her. To make Handmaiden a Dark Jedi you just leave her in the Ebon Hawk and use her only for training. Follow up on that, and watch the Influence fly! Can you turn the handmaiden to the dark side?Īccepted Answer. Ask about why she | | doesn’t kill, follow the Awareness line and she argues with you, | | then shuts up. | | | | The best way to get Influence with Mira is to get her to “argue” | | with you, but this requires an 11 Awareness.

kotor 2 handmaiden or disciple

It is just outside the Entertainment Center. Just take Mira to the spot on Nar Shaddaa where Kreia showed you how to sense the Force. If your character is neutral or light side (Alignment 40 or more) when you next travel through the docks on Nar Shaddaa after getting a message from Visquis of the Exchange, then Mira becomes your temporary character in the Jekk’Jekk Tarr and its tunnels on Nar Shaddaa, but the first time you can speak to her as … Where can I show Mira the force?

Kotor 2 handmaiden or disciple